First Name *
Last Name *
Best Phone Number
School Email *
What best describes your job title? *
Full School Name (please do not shorten) *
My school is: * not affiliated with a district/network. a part of a district/network.
District (if applicable)
State *
Total number of students to renew (enter 0 if none) *
Student License Duration (1-7 years) (enter 0 if none) *
Total number of teachers to renew (enter 0 if none) *
Teacher License Duration (1, 2, 3, or 7 years) (enter 0 if none) *
What curriculum would you like to renew? (check all that apply) * SEPUP Issues and Life Science (2nd Ed)SEPUP Issues and Earth Science (2nd Ed)SEPUP Issues and Physical Science (2nd Ed)SEPUP NGSS middle school (3rd Ed)SEPUP Science and Global Issues: Biology (High School)SEPUP Science and SustainabilityEDC Earth Science (High School)Natural Approach to Chemistry (High School)Custom Science Portal for my state or districtCMP4 Math Grade 6CMP4 Math Grade 7CMP4 Math Grade 8
Will you remain the designated portal Admin for the upcoming school year? * Yes, I will continue to serve as the portal admin for the upcoming school year. No, someone else will handle Admin responsibilities for the upcoming school year.
Please enter the first name, last name, and email address of the admin contact for next school year.
Please enter any additional information to help us better understand the quantities and durations for each set of content being renewed.
Upon clicking "submit," you will be taken to a confirmation page to indicate successful submission. If your form does not submit, please check that all required fields have been completed. Questions? Contact Thank you!